1¡¢ Do you have any other payment method?
Yes, we do, for example BIILII company, Personal accounts in china. Please contact us.

2¡¢ Can I request another payment method and get your cooperation?
You can send us some suggestion; we will consider and try to cooperation with you.

3¡¢ I have connection in China, can I pay with Chinese Ren Ming Bi ( YUAN)?
Yes, you can, please follow the bank exchange rate and customers bear the service charges.

4¡¢ When making the payment, who bare the extra service charges?
Bear by customers. We have provided a very favorable price. It is fair that the charges are responsible by the customers.

5¡¢ Is there any way to reduce my cost during payment?
Yes, By paying to our Hong Kong HSBC account, you can save a 3%.For example, payment of USD1000, payment to Hong Kong HSBC Bank : 1000 x 97% = USD 970 Charges bear by customer, we will only verified received based on the actual amount of fund.

6¡¢ Will the fluctuation of currency rate affect your price?
Yes. We will not change our price frequently unless there is significant changed on the rate.
The value of RMB is rising up is one of the reason our price has increased.

7¡¢ How often do you make some pricing changes?
Under normal circumstances, we will make some pricing adjustment once a year. Unless there is a significant changes on currency value as well as the China production cost increased.

8¡¢ The PayPal account given from your salesman, is it safe to use for payment?
Yes, it is, as long as the accounts are given from these email, sales@cufflinks.hk there are legitimate. PayPal account given from other email account shouldn¡¯t be used during your payment.?
Please contact us immediately if you noticed any suspicious activity.